Integrated in the University's graduate academy, the Helmholtz Institute Jena offers a structured doctoral program for PhD students on the topics Laser-driven particle acceleration, Laser-generated radiation and X-ray and particle spectroscopy at particle accelerator and high-power laser facilities. Currently, the Research School of Advanced Photon Science (RS-APS) supports the studies of45 PhD students working at Jena and/or the associated Helmholtz centers (GSI/FAIR, DESY and HZDR). Apart from the scientific work conducted within the research projects pursued at HI-Jena, doctoral students are being offered training courses to consolidate their understanding of their PhD topics, as well as to broaden the students’ soft skills. Moreover RS-APS supports all its members financially through travel grants and approx. 20 PhD students through scholarships or working contracts.


Research School of Advanced Photon Science

Helmholtz Institute Jena
Dr. Renate Märtin
Fröbelstieg 3
07743 Jena

Phone: +49 3641 947614
